
Liguria, in particular Genoa, is famous for its cuisine and its gastronomic specialties. From Hotel Cairoli you can easily reach several restaurants where you can taste the ancient Ligurian flavors. Among the main specialties are:


Farinata: it is a thin salty cake, prepared with chickpea flour, water, salt and extra virgin olive oil

Panissa: born from the union of chickpea flour combined with water and salt and put on the fire. Once reached a certain consistency, everything is poured into a soup dish

Focaccia alla Genovese: a kind of flat and soft bread topped with a brush of an emulsion composed of extra virgin olive oil, water and coarse salt. From the classic to the one with onions, olives, cherry tomatoes or sage, the focaccia remains one of the best specialties of our cuisine.

First courses

Pansoti in walnut sauce: this dish is born from the perfect union between the pansoti, that are a type of stuffed pasta with typical Liguria herbs, and the creamy walnut sauce with an incredible flavor.

Trofie al pesto: born from the love for our land where highest quality basil plants grow. Pesto is obtained by crushing (by pressing) the basil with salt, pine nuts and garlic, all seasoned with Parmesan, Sardinian pecorino and extra virgin olive oil. This unique condiment, combined with a type of pasta born in the village of Sori, gives life to one of the most popular sauce around the world.

Second courses

Ligurian rabbit: a second famous with rabbit in a preparation based on sage, bay leaf, rosemary, pine nuts and taggiasca olives. A course that can not miss in a typical Ligurian dinner.

Stuffed anchovies: anchovy fillets placed side-by-side with a vegetable filling inside. A unique dish with an unmistakable flavor.


Sacripantina: typical dessert made with sponge cake, stuffed with a butter cream with cocoa, hazelnuts and sometimes zabajone, covered with pieces of sponge cake and icing sugar.

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